Delayed or Cancelled Train Scams in India

One of the most popular scams Top Travel Destinations that happen with people travelling by trains in India, Whether you have travelled before or travelling in Indian trains for the first time, local or a tourist, everyone is at the risk of getting scammed.Watch out! How you fall prey to the Cancelled train scam The Modus Operandi India Tour Packages of the Scamsters doesn’t give you a chance to doubt them. It will start by either your asking about the train arrival or status from a well dressed or “official looking” person standing at the platform or near ticket counters or the person approaching you himself. You will be told that your train is either delayed for more than a few hours or cancelled. The person will then try to genuinely be of help by taking you to a so called “official” or helping you in hiring a cycle or auto rickshaw or cab (mind you they are all part of the plan) to take you to a “Tourist Information Office” who will hel...